I cannot say this enough. Food is not everything, but it is usually, the first thing in our awakening to self. We do not need to stress and overthink and over analyse our food, but a clean, clear and bright vessel opens portals in our lives we would have never thought were possible. We are able to gain a deep inner knowing of ourselves by possessing a clear channel to listen to our hearts and our soul, rather than our mind. Once we discover that place within ourselves, choosing our foods will become an intuitive practice, you will know what works for you, what makes you feel and look your best, what makes you soar because you are deeply connected to yourself. 

Food combing took me to that place and gave me a fresh perspective on food. Food Combining is based on the principles of pairing food groups together which will digest optimally in the body and understanding which combinations should be avoided. While it may seem overwhelming at first, food combining is actually a very simple way to eat in order to free up energy that would previously be used to aid digestion. 

Food combining brings to light that it’s not just about what we eat but what we are able to use from what we eat.

You could be consuming the most divine fruit and vegetables day in and day out, but it’s likely you are eating them in a way that is not allowing you to properly digest and assimilate all the nutrients on offer to you. Therefore, those fruit and vegetables are not doing all the things they are capable of if they were digested properly, like improving your immunity and enriching your skin’s vitality. In order for you to enhance the absorption of nutrients you need to enhance your digestion and properly combining your meals does just that.

“We are not what we eat, we are what we absorb”

Different foods digest using different enzymes. Some foods call for a more acidic environment whereas other foods require an alkaline environment. When we eat foods that are not digested in the same environment, using the same enzymes it puts a lot of strain on our digestive tract, leaving us with painful bloating, gassiness, fatigue, heartburn and eventually can lead to weight gain. Sound familiar?

Food in the stomach is our body’s number one priority; we actually use more energy digesting food than any other internal function. No matter what else is happening inside us the body will prioritize digesting and it will send as much energy as needed to complete the process. That’s why, when we eat a meal that is not correctly combined, it leaves us feeling lethargic and bloated because our body is working over-time just to digest it. When we properly combine our foods it streamlines our digestion, freeing up extra energy that would previously have been used to aid digestion, and our incredibly intelligent body diverts that newfound energy into other things. 

Our bodies’ energy is a key factor in our ability to shed weight effectively and permanently and it is essential in our journey to returning to ourselves. Energy effects how our organs function, how efficiently our body detoxes, it promotes collagen production, keeping our skin clear and our hair and nails strong, it regenerates our liver and other tissue cells and flushes toxic waste from our bodies. The more energy we have the better we feel and, in turn, the better we look.


Detoxing is a major component of food combining, through enhancing our digestion we are, essentially making it more efficient, meaning that toxins pass through us at increased rate and we are able to absorb more from our foods. Detoxing is not just about what we put into our body, it is what leaves our body. Our bodies are a warm 37 degrees. The longer food stays in this hot environment, struggling to pass through, the greater the chance it has of becoming toxic residue, as it is forced to bake in our body at this high temperature. By creating an environment where our food can move through it with ease and in the time frame and environment it requires, we begin to see long term results within our body.

By simplifying our meals through the process of food combining we enrich our lives, and we watch as our body begins to thrive and take shape. If we are constantly zapping our energy by complicating our digestive environment, our health becomes compromised and we begin to notice stagnation in our body, in our weight, and in our skin. 

I was actually taken by surprise how quickly my body responded when I started to correctly combine my meals. My energy levels were the first thing I noticed. I no longer felt groggy and lethargic after meals. I wasn’t going to sleep each night feeling bloated. My body felt and looked lighter and leaner. Beyond my physical transformation Food Combining altered my perspective on food, it allowed me to view food through a wider lens, proving that food is so much more than calories in and calories out it is medicine, it is an intuitive practice, it is provides us with a connection to nature if we allow it.






Experience is by far our greatest teacher. For a full in-depth breakdown of these principles and to apply food combining principles for yourself, all the knowledge you need is in my guide -30 DAYS TO YOU



